Saphrum Bronwyn

Saphrum Bronwyn

Born on the docks, raised by the sea.

Born in Limsa Lominsa to a retired Maelstrom veteran, every exhale of Saphrum's breath pines for the ocean. Taking after her father, Saphrum is both a gifted sailor and a natural fighter. Need a deckhand for your next expedition? Look no further.

The Sapphire Blade of the Confederacy.

After a smuggling mission with her father gone wrong, a young Saphrum was taken in by the Confederacy and steeped in the culture of the East for many of her formative years. Even after repaying her father's debt and freeing herself from their service, Saphrum still finds her actions under their banner clinging to her like a wet rag.

Precision Lominsan Engineering.

Almost as if metal and wood sing to her, the viera innately knows how things fit together. No matter the technology: if Saphrum is given enough time to tinker with something, she'll get it to work. Got something that needs fixing? Ask her for her rates.

Actions speak louder than words.

Talk is cheap. No matter the situation, when the dust settles -- Saphrum will respect those who fight for their ideals, even if they are contrary to her own. Need a little hired muscle? She isn't averse to roughhousing a little for coin.

Your favorite drinking buddy.

Half-roegadyn, Saphrum needs a healthy serving of ale to get herself out of bed in the morning. Want someone that can keep up with you at the bar? Let's get hammered.

Saphrum Bronwyn

**Thank you for your interest!

Saph is a sweetheart, and it gives me joy that you are considering her for your next RP. I do both Discord and in-game roleplaying, though I'm a bit awful at replying to Discord roleplays specifically. Lengthwise, I default to writing multiple paragraphs per reply, but in the end I tend to match the person I am roleplaying with.Saphrum does not offer adult services. She is also happily married IC. I'm gomenasorry.If you are still interested in roleplaying with me, do not be afraid to reach out! I would love to learn more about your OC and how they fit into the world of Final Fantasy. My Discord is sheep1shly#2323, and I would be happy to talk. I don't bite, promise!I have a plethora of other characters. If you would like to meet them, click here. If you like my in-game photography, I am happy to take photos of your character or just talk gpose. More information on such services can be found here.